Msg #24027a The Father of Biblical Criticism
What The Bible Says
Good Samaritan’s Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
This Wednesday, while teaching out of Isaiah 45 and 46 God’s use of the line “I am the LORD; and there is none else” (Isa.45:5,6,14,18,22 46:9); and God’s warning that we humans should never say anything like it (47:8-11); Satan did in Isa.14:12-15, and Ezek.28:12-15); so, … while introducing Isaiah in that Bible study, the vile sin of Origin of Alexandria Egypt was briefly introduced. Origin attempted to rip-tear Israel out of the book of Isaiah, and force-fit a “Catholic Church” in its stead. Clement of Alexandria Egypt, Origin’s meantor, saw Rome kill every Jew in “Palestina” and errantly supposed God was done with Israel forever. They attempted to rewrite the Holy Bible with that error inscribed. Rome loved it. Still does. At age 72 I think I have forgotten more than I know, but I well documented some of that in my Systematic Theology for the 21st Century – Volume 02 Bibliology – Chapter 10 Christian Biblical Hermeneutics, page 475-477. For inquiring minds, it is repeated below:
The School of Alexandria Origen, (in full Latin Oregenes Adamantius) (born AD 185, probably in Alexandria, Egypt—died AD 254, in Tyre, Phoenicia) was called “The Father of the Allegorical Method” (Also the “Father of Bible Criticism,” also “A Father of Roman Catholicism”). The Britannica says of him, “the most important theologian and biblical scholar of the early Greek church,” and “His greatest work is the Hexapla, which is a synopsis of six versions of the Old Testament.” Origen’s mentor, Clement of Alexandria (AD 150 – 215) determined that it was impossible for God to keep his promises to Israel, in that Jerusalem was leveled, and every Jew that occupied Israel was annihilated in AD 70. Almost anyone might suppose an original source for the English prose about Humpty Dumpty, so I have supposed it was Clement of Alexandria who thought, “All the King’s horses, and all the King’s men cannot put Israel together again.” Since Israel, Hebrews, and all Jews were now annihilated, Clement supposed that the catholic church would be the new recipients of every promise that the Old Testament Scriptures made to them.
In response to his mentors oversight, Origen refined an allegorical method which could strip all the promises made to Israel, King David, and the Jews from the Old Testament Scripture and apply them to a catholic church. Little wonder that the Roman Catholic Church sainted both Clement and Origen posthumously a couple hundred years later.
Clement and Origen were instrumental founders of the School of Alexandria. The Britannica says of it:
School of Alexandria, … founded in the mid-2nd century AD in Alexandria, Egypt. Under its earliest known leaders (Pantaenus, Clement, and Origen), it became a leading centre of the allegorical method of biblical interpretation, espoused a rapprochement between Greek culture and Christian faith, and attempted to assert orthodox Christian teachings against heterodox views in an era of doctrinal flux. Opposing the School of Alexandria was the School of Antioch, which emphasized the literal interpretation of the Bible.1
In the hands of the Roman Catholic Church the allegorical method of Bible interpretation became the scourge of Christianity. In their doctrine no one less than the Roman Catholic trained priesthood had the pious maturity to properly interpret the secret, hidden allegorical meanings of Scripture. Others found reading Bibles were killed. Millions of Christians were called heretics and burned alive under their doctrine. The Protestants did not readily set aside this practice. Even today Protestants give credence to the allegorical methods, and to the “Clergy” for interpretation of Scripture. The “laity” are disesteemed as a lower class that ought not interpret what they read.
This distinction between “clergy” and “laity” is likely the sin of the Nicolaitons. (Nικολαιτης – meaning “destruction of people”, from the Greek root Nικολαος meaning “victor of the people.” Ergo the division of classes, such as clergy and laity, seems to be indicated.) Of this Jesus said to the Church of Pergamos, “So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate” (Rev 2:15). Baptists are not Protestants and justly depose allegorical methods and the tag titles of clergy and laity.
(See “A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century” – Volume 02 Bibliology – Chapter 10 Christian Biblical Hermeneutics, page 475-477 at see also School of Antioch pg 477 and Hermeneutics – Believe What Jesus Believed pg 479)
Yet Another Longer 700 Word Essay for week #27, Jul 7, 2024
1 Encyclopedia Britannica s.v. Alexandrian, School of, (Accessed 9/21/2017).
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