

Welcome to Baptist Ministries 2.0

Baptist-ministries.org is a ministry of Bob and Maureen Hoffman, Missionaries to Cyberspace

This is a work in progress! All of the old content is here. It will take some time to convert it into this new format. The old format was link based. The new format is location based. The status of the converted content (this includes all new content) can be seen below.

  • You can search for anything on the Baptist ministries website by using the “Search Entire Site”
  • You can add a listing (please do a search and verify it is not already on the website) Listing must be an Independent Baptist Ministry.
  • You can claim a converted ministry by going to that ministry’s listing and filling out a claim form.
  • You can update a ministry if you find incorrect information using the “submit error report” menu item. Submitting an error report for a ministry that is not a “place” will jump that ministry up for conversion, the ministry will be updated as a “place.”
  • Read the KJV Bible through in a year using the “The Bible in a Year” menu item.
  • Spurgeons Morning and Evening Devotions are available here.


Status of Converted Content

Status of converted content


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Baptist Ministries Database
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