Grand Opening of this web portal


New Launch of Church Search and Baptist Ministries (Old System this is being put in for historical purposes)

The new Church Search Engine is active as of 11/23/06. I have most of the churches updated, and will continue to update and repair the entries (the transition did not go as smoothly as it could have). This new site is for Independent Baptists, by Independent Baptists, you will help build, direct and provide direction for this site! You are encouraged to add your favorite links. If you have a family friendly web site, a personal web page or any independent Baptist or Bible church web site, by all means add it. If your site is already on this portal and you would like to update it, send me an e-mail with your email address user name and a password and I will enable you to access your site for updates. Do not be afraid of the “to join mailing list” part of the registration tag. The “mailing list” is to notify you of new links. I do not have any mailing list active, no personal information will be shared with anyone else, including your email address. Feel free to suggest additional categories. Look around, participate and above all enjoy yourself!

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Author: Bob

I am alive

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Baptist Ministries Database
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