Bible Missions – Chapter 14 – 30 Minutes


Definition of Missions: The act of sending, or state of being sent, with certain powers to do some certain service
Bible Missions: The act of sending, or state of being sent, with certain powers, to do the very things the Lord has commanded His Churches to do. Matt 28:19-20

The “Whence” of missions: Who is the author of missions? God. He sent Moses into Egypt; His Son into the world; and the Church on the Great Commission.
The “Whom” of missions: The Church to whom the Lord gave the Great Commission is the only authorized institution on earth to do missions for God.
The “Where” of missions: To all nations, Matt 28:19; To every creature, Mark 16:15; Among all nations, Luke 24:47; Into the world, John 17:18.
The “When” of missions: Now, during this current time, 2 Cor 6:2 The “What” of missions: Consists of:
1) A Divinely called missionary,
2) A Church sent missionary,
3) Means to support the Church sent man
The “Why” of missions: Sinners are lost and need to hear the gospel. The gospel is the means whereby they will be saved, Rom 1:16

-The important question that is often asked regarding mission work is: “Is it scriptural for churches to co-operate together in the support of missions and missionaries?”
-The following is intended to answer that question
-Definitions selected which seem to best relation to an Association of Churches Associate: To join in company, as a friend, companion, partner, or confederate; as to associate others with us in business, or in an enterprise.
Association: Union of persons in a company or society for some particular purpose
Fellow: One who follows; an adherent; a companion; a comrade; an associate.
Fellowship: The state or relation of being a fellow or associate
Partner: An associate
-With these definitions in hand, let’s consider the scriptures to see if there are examples that would justify Churches having fellowship with one another in the work of spreading the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

1. Acts 15:1-30, describes a meeting of Churches, associating together, for the purpose of maintaining sound doctrine and practice. Still an mportant practice for this day.
2. 2nd Cor 8:16-23, describes the joint work of Churches in benevolent endeavors. Still needed at times today.
3. 2nd Cor 11:9-10, describes how the Churches in Macedonia supported Paul while he was out on the mission field. Phil 4:16-18 also describes how the Church in Philippi supported Paul while he was in mission work at Thessalonica
4. Acts 20:3-5, describes a brethren from a group of Churches working together out on the mission field. The Churches had to be associated with each other.

1) Davis’ History of the Welsh Baptists, page 31, “At this time (1663) the Baptists met at Llantrisant. In the association held at Abergavamy, this Church proposed to revive the old plan of supporting ministers in weak and destitute Churches; which was for the strongest to help the weakest. William Thomas was appointed home missionary for six months; Carmarthen, two pounds, ten shillings. **Notice that these Churches were working together to strengthen each other AND Co-operating in supporting a missionary.
2) Burkett’s History, page 92, “This association agreed to consider the business of itinerant preaching. A committee was appointed for that purpose, and after deliberation thereon reports as follows: That not only ordained preachers, but young gifts also be advised and called upon by the Churches to which they belong, to engage in the work, not only amongst the Churches, but in other places where it may appear necessary. This was in 1765.

-Direct Mission work is the work that takes place directly out of one of the Lord’s New Testament Churches. The missionary is a member of a specific local Church. He is sent out by that Church resulting in this Church sometimes being referred to as the Sending or Sponsoring Church.
-The Missionary is responsible to this Church and that Church has responsibility for him. The Missionary keeps this Church informed as to activities conducted.
-This Church assumes the financial responsibility for any missionary out of their Church. Normally, Sister Churches would send financial support for the missionary to the Sponsoring Church who would forward 100% of these funds.
-There is No mission oversight other than that which comes from the Sponsoring Church.
-We believe this pattern most closely conforms to the pattern found in the Bible.

1. What does missions mean?
2. What are the “W’s” of missions discussed in this lesson?
3. Who is the “Whom” of missions?
4. Of what does the “What” of missions consist?
5. What is meant by the “Why” of missions?
6. Where are the Lord’s Churches to do mission work?
7. Is co-operative mission work scriptural?
8. What is meant by “direct mission” work?
9. In three pages or less, discuss the work carried out by the associations in
history provided in this lesson.

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Author: Bob

I am alive

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