Category: Site News

Migration Update

I have started migrating the Article portion of the old website. I have moved over all the open Pastoral Search, and the Baptist Doctrine portion. The old website will no longer be updated, all updates will take place on the this website. I will move traffic over to this website when it is functioning enough Read more…


I am going ahead with the migration. If I get a confirmation this software will be updated (been a week so far, I will probably try keeping this website going. Progress report: I have been able to import all the links. Need to classify them with tags/categories, but the basic info is there. No pix. Read more…

Baptist Ministries Database
A note to our visitors

This website has updated its privacy policy in compliance with changes to European Union data protection law, for all members globally. We’ve also updated our Privacy Policy to give you more information about your rights and responsibilities with respect to your privacy and personal information. Please read this to review the updates about which cookies we use and what information we collect on our site. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our updated privacy policy.