Categories Marked with a "*" in Links

Categories of Special Interest -You Should Pay Attention To

Blog created: 2021/01/16

There are a group of Categories in the Tags of Links that may be of interest to you:

  1. *Broken Link
  2. *Domain AutoRenew Period 
  3. *Domain Expired
  4. *Domain in Redemption Period
  5. *Domain Pending Delete
  6. *No Web Site
  7. *Unofficial Web Site

There may be some added in the future, but for now, let me try to explain these.

1) Broken Link: This indicates that the link to this particular ministry is broken. In this case the broken link will be identified and should be clickable within the listing. Items 2-5 also indicate a broken link, but tell you what the status of the domain is (on its way to disappearing from the Internet. Once a domain is deleted, the tag will be changed to item 6 indicating the ministry does not have a website any longer.

6) No website: This will indicate there is no active website (please note that we do not consider Facebook a website, although that may be the only current web presence the ministry may have, due to the way Facebook pages just disappear for no apparent reason. You should be able to click on the Facebook (or YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram etc.) icons to visit the social media platforms these ministries have a presence on. If these icons are not working, please fill out an error report to correct the information.

7) Unofficial Website: These are small website I put up for ministries that do not have a web presence at the time. Clicking on their link should show the same information you can see on the Baptist Ministries Database page you are looking at.

Clicking on a page with any of these links tagged with a * will bring you to a page telling you that there is not a valid link to that ministry for whatever reason.