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Msg #1746 Called to be Faithful Till Death

Msg #1746 Called to be Faithful Till Death

What The Bible Says Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Msg #1746 Called to be Faithful Till Death

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


It is striking how the signs assuring Saul's anointing are so very specific; so much so that they tell a story in themselves. Two men meeting Saul near Rachel's sepulcher highlights the importance of those who went before us, at the border of Benjamin, the importance of stepping out of a comfort zone. The father caring for Saul has evident significance, and one cannot miss the irony that Saul chasing after stubborn asses was now called to lead stiffnecked Israel. The next sign took place at the plain of Tabor, where Deborah had to take Barak by the hand and lead him into battle. Much could be said about God's demand for male leadership here, but let it suffice that three men going up to God to Bethel was Saul's sign. There are the kids, the bread, and the wine showing that God won't buy you the farm, but will provide your daily bread. The third sign involved the hill of God and the garrison of Philistines. We are in a battle, and the enemy has us outnumbered, and outgunned. The company of prophets with psaltery, tabret, pipe and harp tells something about our music and the new song he puts in our heart. It is not just the old song with new lyrics crammed in, note the difference. God gave Saul another heart and all these signs came to pass that day. Is Saul among the prophets? Turns out not. We know Saul's obedience was short lived. The signs were so sure, God's call and anointing so certain, yet Saul's terrible fall was such a tragic failure. He became an opposer of God. This accounting is meant to be sobering. So many great starts for God end like Saul. Lord, may I be faithful till death.


An Essay for week #46 Nov 12, 2017

Msg in audio at www.GSBaptistChurch.com/audio/gs171112.mp3

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A weekly 300 word essay- The Penny Pulpit

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