Msg#1806 One Flesh Communicating

What The Bible Says Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Article created: 2018/02/12

Msg#1806 One Flesh Communicating

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


In God's design for your love and marriage there are three distinct roles. These are not roles to be “played,” or “acted out,” but are actions (and attitudes) which are assigned, required, and expected by God himself. There is the role of the wife, the role of the husband, and the role of one-flesh. The latter role has three essentials, Faithfulness, Forgiveness, and Communication. Any of these roles or essentials might fill this short essay, but focus on that third essential – communication. Via our communication we 1) Grow in knowledge and understanding of our spouse (and our Lord), 2) we interchange information and ideas to work as a team, 3) we work out differences and resolve conflicts, and 4) we grow in the same direction in support of each other. When our lifeline of communications is healthy we 1) never have to be careful what we talk about together and there is a sense of freedom to express ourselves, 2) we have a sense of being understood, 3) we see an absence of win/lose arguments, 4) we find that talking reduces tension, and 5) we feel a sense of being safe and secure in this relationship. Those are two excellent checklists to ensure a robust effective lifeline of communication in a husband's and wife's role of becoming one-flesh. A critically impaired lifeline would have one or the other always assuming a negative intent on the part of their spouse, or an increasing distance and increasing silence. Watch for those as well, and as the spring time of our year approaches let's revisit the spring time of our love and romance. God's model makes our homes a taste of paradise here on earth. Rejecting God's way will make it taste like something else altogether.


An Essay for week #6 Feb 11, 2018

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