Msg #1518b Three New AD Religions Cont.

What The Bible Says - Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Article created: 2015/05/06

Msg #1518b Three New AD Religions Cont.

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

The third man made religion orchestrated by Satan, and intent on annihilating Christianity, was started 300 years after his Roman Catholic religion failed at the task.   Islam, which means 'submission' would most surely eliminate Christianity. For all Arabs, Muhammad, Islam's human founder born around 570 AD, rejected Catholicism because they worshiped Mary as a god.(Qur'an surah 5:119)  Muslim's confession of faith states, "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah." A Muslim is by definition, “one who submits to the majesty and will of Allah.” By Muhammad's own admission demons gave him the words for his Koran, and he established a  socio-economic-political-militant-religious system designed to take over the world. He pictured Judaism as a restful oasis in mankind's journey, Christianity as a larger, lovely oasis, and Islam as the Supreme oasis. Muslims were forbidden to leave the supreme oasis, and those who settled in an inferior one must be compelled to move on to Islam.  Satan's Islamic invasion has not gone as planned. At Muhammad's death in 632 AD there was no assigned successor.  The questions of who will be the spiritual and socio-political leader, or 'Caliph', would cause more division and blood shed in Islam than any other issue. The Sufis thought any qualified companion of the prophet eligible, the Sunnis required the new Caliph be Aristocracy of Mecca, and the Shi'a insisted that Allah himself would divinely appoint the next leader, and they knew it was, 'Ale, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammed. In Islam Jihad was thus expanded; it started as “struggle against and slaughter of the infidels”, now it included slaughter of the contenders for leadership as well.  It is not radicalized Muslims who insist on Jihad,  it is fundamental to the core of Islam!

Another Essay for week #18 May 3, 15