Msg #1510 Christ Our Perfect Passover Lamb

What The Bible Says - Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Article created: 2015/03/19

Msg #1510 Christ Our Perfect Passover Lamb

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Christians rarely give sufficient weight to God's portrait of the Passover Lamb. “...For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us” (1Cor 5:7). Details of the Passover Lamb are given in Exodus 12; the commemoration feast in its honor in Leviticus 23 and Numbers 9. The Passover Lamb's blood, when applied in obedience, removed the condemnation of death from a house . “... when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you...” (Exod 12:13). The lamb was separated from the flocks on the 10th of the month Abib; ours was on a Palm Sunday. It was kept out for five days to insure it was without blemish; ours was examined from Sunday to Thursday. On the 14th of the month “the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening” (12:6); ours was slain on the 14th, on an old rugged cross. The next day was a high holy day, a sabbath, with a holy “convocation,” i.e. assembling and reading, beginning a seven day feast of unleavened bread. When we apply his blood to the door post of our heart, we pass from death unto life, we enter into his sabbath rest, and we unite with his holy “convocation,” called a “Church,”i.e. a called out and assembled together body of believers. We purge out leaven as instructed in 1Cor 5:6-8. We forsake not the assembling of ourselves together on the first day of the week when God rose our Passover Lamb from the dead and made him our only mediator and High Priest. That is only a quick glance of God's portrait of a Passover Lamb. Dust off those 39 books of the Old Testament, they have a depth and resolution which can make your heart rejoice.


An Essay for week #10 Mar 8, 15

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