Msg #1415 Your Alabaster Box

What The Bible Says Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Article created: 2014/01/15

Msg #1415 Your Alabaster Box

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Jesus' last walk to Jerusalem is wrought with drama, Pharisees and lepers, Lawyers and blind men, Scribes and short publicans climbing trees. Not to mention disciples fighting over their greatness as they chased little children away from their Lord! The trip culminates with the two high drama events of John 12. The only one who really understood why Jesus was come to Jerusalem was Mary who once again anointed him with an ointment from an alabaster box. She was forgiven much, and she loved much. She also had a relationship with her Lord and Saviour. A relationship found lacking in the 12 disciples. Even today it is only a few who comprehend the importance of the Christ's selection on that Palm Sunday. The Passover Lamb anointed by Mary six days before Passover was, on the 10th of Abib, four days before Passover, exactly as recorded in Exodus 12, separated from the other sheep with the cries of the crowd. Their cries of “Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest,” (Matt 21:9) were soon followed with the question, “Who is this?” (Matt 21:10) Then after four of the most recorded days in human history, the same crowd cried “Crucify him!” It behooves a believer to study this trip, this week, and that relationship with great vigor. Set aside all Roman and Reformed theology and study him in the events of this week. Therein one can find a relationship akin to what Mary had. It is a rare thing in “Christianity” today, it was then. It is worth falling in love anew with the Passover Lamb. Let this Easter be one where your alabaster box is broken, and your expensive ointment is poured out.

An Essay for week #15 04/13/2014

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