Msg #1406 Homes In Need Of Manliness

What The Bible Says Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Article created: 2014/01/06

Msg #1406 Homes In Need Of Manliness

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice 

Even in a society in blind rebellion against what their Creator dictated for mankind, marriages can find great peace in following his roles in marriage. The curse in Genesis 3 put enmity between serpent and women, pangs of childbirth, and the husband ruling over the wife. For the man, because he listened to the voice of his wife, God put a curse on the ground, thorn, thistle and sorrow in his harvest, sweat on his brow as he produced food, and a return to the dust from whence he came. Mankind rebels against, and strives to alleviate each of these naturally occurring phenomena, but when a couple accepts God's conditions and they live in the roles he has established, there is great fulfillment with God's blessing. God is very clear here; “I will therefore that males pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands … and females adorn themselves in modest apparel... with good works, learning in silence with all subjection. I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” For the woman-libber, progressive-liberal, and other nonbelievers, God's bluntness is offensive and not 'PC'. For the modernist, casual christian, and mere evangelical, his clarity is embarrassing. But for the Bible believer who is coming to know God better and trust him more, his words bring perfect peace and a new way of life. Half our homes are raising children without fathers, and fathers present are often girlie men. There is great benefit from a husband's authoritarian leadership, manly testosterone, and strong discipline. Coupled that with a wife who will surrender to God's role for her and a home becomes a paradise. 

An Essay for week #6 02/09/2014

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