Msg #1319 Happy Mothers Day

What The Bible Says Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Article created: 2013/01/19


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Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

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Msg #1319 Happy Mothers Day

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


In Proverbs 31 King Lemuel's mother knew some things that Scripture communicates well. What every mother needs is a daysman. The 'thus saith the LORD authority' declares in Job 9 that her sin, her guilt, her shortfalls and her pending judgment frames a need for an advocate and mediator. Every mother's need can be met in Job's recorded prophecy “I know that my Redeemer liveth.” (Job 19) Mom's #1 need is a daysman that saves from judgment. In verse 2 Lemuel's mother curiously describes three things that every mom is to be. She is to be a 'mothering trainer.' Every woman is created by God with moods, parts and hormones equipping her for mothering, not fathering. Second, notice the emphasis in this verse, a mother has a life giving womb. In our sick, depraved, and perverted society every mother needs to know and teach the three parts of conception; an egg, a sperm and a womb. Despite the ignorant law of ND there is no conception, child or pregnancy without a womb, and despite U.S. Court rulings, purposely separating a life from a woman's womb constitutes premeditated murder; lessons that need taught to all. Thirdly, in this curious verse, a mother is a wife with hallowed vows. The song, 'First comes love, then come marriage, then comes daddy pushing a baby carriage,” needs to be revived and rehearsed in our day. Lemuel's mom knew and taught that you cannot be a completed and Godly mother without vows to a father. Vows stating, 'till death do us part,” instill stability into God's child rearing entity, the home. No court, politician, or democratic vote can revise God's definition or design for the home, and King Lemuel's mother knew and taught these Godly truths. You should too. Happy Mothers Day.


An Essay for week #19 Sun, May 12, 13

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