Msg #1316 The Devolution of Democracy

What The Bible Says Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Article created: 2013/01/16

Msg #1316 The Devolution of Democracy

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Of thirteen judges in the Scripture's book of Judges only Abimelech was chosen by the people in a democratic process. In a society where people do what is right in their own eyes this sheds a curious light on a democratic failure; not pretty. Judges 9 records an Abimelech who is overpaid, overtly ruthless, and power mongering. He killed 70 of his own brothers to further secure his position. Rather than judge or deliver the people, like all the other judges, Abimelech reigns over them making himself a king instead of a judge. He considers his election a mandate to do whatever he wants no matter what the law of the land says. In Washington and in Albany our leadership think they are the omniscient elected public servants who can legislate the all-knowing rightful path. They are furious when our representatives and actual legislatures prevent them getting their own way. In every venue of a society, power corrupts. Our constitutional balance of powers is essential to our existence. The Holy Bible is awesome literature; it has a perfect author. It is interesting that there are only two fables written in the whole of God's Word. A fable is a moral story where animals or inanimate objects do the talking. In Judges 9:8-15 one of the two is used to prophecy the ironic destruction of the demented, elected leader, Abimelech. The moral of the longest chapter of Judges is this, while God chooses and empowers nobodies to be superb judges and deliverers, man, especially those who have thrown off their Creator's rulebook, cannot choose leadership well. Here we are 3,419 years after Abimelech, and instead of learning and applying God's recorded lessons, we have scoffed them to our children and banned them from our schools. That is the devolution of man.

An Essay for week #16 Sun, Apr 21, 13

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