Conservative vs Liberal

Article created: 2012/04/02



   While a conservative Christian believes that all men are CREATED equal, a progressive liberal believes that just like the greyhound evolved into the jackass or the lizard evolved into a bald eagle, or the chimpanzee turned into a human-being with a PHD, so too must human government evolve from what the founders formed and become a new improved entity. While a conservative Christian believes that men are CREATED with certain inalienable rights, a progressive liberal believes that equality and rights of beings are developed and provided by their government and that both equality and rights must change along with human evolution. While Barack Hussein Obama and every pronounced Democratic leader is a progressive liberal, this Baptist Preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ need say no more about politics, nor about who one should vote out of office at all cost.

Someone who knows them should send this perfectly enlightening post to Limbaugh, Hannady and Galliger who are each struggling with its essence.