Msg# 1241 God, not man, spells out the End Times

What The Bible Says Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Article created: 2012/04/01


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Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

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Msg# 1241 God, not man, spells out the End Times

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


C.I. Schofield detailed 176 Bible verses that speak specifically of the 2nd Coming of Christ and another 212 Old Testament verses that address the Kingdom age, and no serious believing Bible student could read through the list without shifting radically towards Bible truth about the end times. The more steeped one is in Calvinism, and John's 'Covenant Theology', or in Romanism and the Pope's 'Replacement Theology.' the more radical and necessary the shift will be. Bible truth will take you all the way to a pre-millennial, pre-tribulational rapture of the Church. Believing God's promises to Israel will cause you to know that God is going to regather and restore all twelve tribes of Israel to land that he promised to them and rule and reign all nations of the world from their capital city of Jerusalem, nestled in the 'Holy Hills of Zion' (not in the 7 hills of Rome!) Discarding the Pope's allegorical methods will cause a believer to understand from the Revelation of Jesus Christ that Christ himself returns as King of kings and Lord of lords to sit on the Throne of David and rule from that city for a literal 1,000 years of the dispensation called “The Millennial Reign of Christ.” Discarding John Calvin's Institutes and clutching a King James Bible will cause you to realize that there is a literal 7 year 'Tribulation Period' wherein God's literal wrath is poured out on this world, that there is a literal 'Abomination of Desolation' that raises his ugly head 3 ½ literal years into that period, and the literal Salvation of Israel the nation is accomplished in a literal 'Battle of Armageddon' that ushers in this literal reign of Christ for the last dispensation of time. God's Word trumps Reformed Theology every time.

An Essay from week # 41, Sunday, October 07, 2012

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