Msg# 1207 Remember Your Valentine

What The Bible Says Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Article created: 2012/01/07

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Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

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Msg# 1207 Remember Your Valentine
What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Around Valentines day couples always need to visit some pertinent reminders. Peter wrote his second epistle to stir up pure minds by way of remembrance, and even when your married mind is pure, remembrance will do it some good. Remember why you married her. The first 'not good' thing recorded in the Bible is 'It is not good for man to be alone.' We marry for three base reasons, love, significance, and security. In our perverse and twisted society today, I might mention we marry a female because in His formation of the stable home, that is the only suitable environment for rearing children, God created the female as the only appropriate helper to the male. Humans need love on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. To love and be loved. Humans need significance on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. To be significant to someone, and to hold one in significance. Humans need security in those three dimensions. Marriage security comes with vows that say 'till death do us part', 'in sickness and in health', and 'for richer or poorer.' And so, 'I plight thee my troth,' is crucial to security but so often broken in life. Remember and renew your vow to your valentine. Women talk, talk, talk. Just look at the escalation of women news anchors of late. Men logic and work. Political correctness forbids this difference to be spoken, that's how the Harvard president got fired. Ergo, another remembrance this Valentines, is that husbands need to practice the fine art of listening. Look at her, when she talks. Shut off the TV, Ipod, Droid, etc. Take her by the hand and listen. Don't finish a single sentence for her. You can get your listening effectiveness above the 25% average, to make home a taste of paradise.


An Essay from week # 7, Sunday, February 12, 2012

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