Kelsey Bible Baptist Church, Kelsey California

Need: Bi-Vocational, Self-Supported, or Missionary Pastor

Article created: 2024/02/17

(The church just voted to change its operating name to be Kelsey Bible Baptist Church will be official March 12}
This is an Independent Baptist Church that uses only the  KJV and traditional music. Small mountain church established in 1914.
The  church’s former pastor has retired as of Nov. 1 2023. We have an interim in place. A small salary can be provided, but the pastor needs to be bi-vocational, missionary, or self supporting. Church building and property are free  and clear, with no debt. Recently remodeled. Small congregation of around 20 people. The church has a sweet spirit and wants to follow the man of God as the Lord leads. There is a lot of potential and need for a good Gospel preaching church in this area.
Kelsey is a Northern  California unincorporated community, located in a county of 191,200  souls near the Nevada border, about halfway between Sacramento  California, and Lake Tahoe. Please get in touch with us via e-mail

Kelsey Bible Baptist Church
(Former Kelsey Bible Church)
9723 CA-193
Kelsey, CA 95667
(530) 295-8009

Kelsey Bible Baptist Church on Facebook