Hopewell Baptist Church, Fulton Mississippi

Need: Bi-Vocational, Self-Supported, or Missionary Pastor

Article created: 2024/01/13

Contacts: Bro. Justin Smith email: JJSCJSMS**at**gmail**dot**com
Bro. Tyler Andrew email: tylerjandrew94**at**gmail**dot**com
We would appreciate prayers as we seek our next pastor. We are a small Missionary Baptist Church in North East Mississippi, near the Alabama border, about equidistant from Memphis TN (to the northwest) and Birmingham AL (to the southeast). The town serves as a county seat, and has a population of 4,500 souls. Having a love for the youth is a must. Church has Wednesday, Sunday morning and evening services and Sunday School.


Hopewell Baptist Church
1975 Hopewell Keys Rd
Fulton, MS 38843

Hopewell Baptist Church on FacebookHopewell Baptist Church on YouTube

Website: https://www.hopewellbaptistms.com