Msg #2326 Not Another Obediah

What The Bible Says - Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Article created: 2023/06/27

Msg #2326 Not Another Obediah

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

The Obadiah that did not write a prophecy book in the Bible was a governor of King Ahab's House; Ahab being the most vile, insolent, Baal worshiping king ever to sit on the throne of Israel. Obadiah causes muddy consternation; as do many Christians in our day. In a parentheses the word of God says Obadiah “feared the Lord greatly” (1Kings.18:3), but in his job description, and in his intercourse with God's Prophet Elijah, Obadiah was a completely compromised disciple.

He had a high ranking position in a vile, God-hating government; he was searching for resources that would keep his vile king in military power; and he was a “has-been” who had once known truth and done right. Obadiah knew Elijah, and when he called him “my lord”, Elijah corrects him, “Ahab is your lord.” When called to do a task, he responds, "What have I sinned?, And you want to slay me?” Obadiah certainly did not know God, in his next breath he accuses God and Elijah of setting him up, trying to play a dirty, cruel trick on him. God is no trickster. Then Obadiah pulls out his “what I used-to-do” argument. Obadiah finally obeys the prophet of God, and then he disappears from the pages of our Bible never to be heard of again.

In our post-covid, perilous times, pre-tribulation world, there are a lot of Obadiahs running to and fro. By the grace of God may I never be one. Ahab insisted that everyone worship his vile god, just as our present leadership insists we worship their vile gender denying inclusiveness, and their false god of climatechangology. Christians need to stand for truth and preach the gospel. He has given us a task to do, let's be about the Fathers business in these perilous times.

An Essay for week #26 - Jun 25, 2023

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