North Ridge Baptist Church, Friedens Pennsylvania

Need: Pastor

Article created: 2023/06/15

NRBC is an independent Baptist church in beautiful Somerset County Pennsylvania. The church has been in existence for approximately 40 years. The church is prayerfully seeking a full-time pastor called by God and equipped to effectively preach and teach the Word of God. The candidate must be able to fulfill the congregation's spiritual needs through visitations, prayer, conducting weddings, funerals, and administering the church's ordinances.
The candidate must also possess the biblical and spiritual qualities outlined in Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1: 5-9. The candidate must agree with North Ridge Baptist Church’s doctrinal statement and constitution, which can be found at www**dot**northridgebc**dot**com/about-2/doctrine-statement-constitution/
Pastor Qualifications• Prefer a licensed and ordained minister in the Baptist faith.• Be a visionary with sound judgment and discernment.• Open to continuing education and development.• Possess practical administration skills and the ability to organize and lead staff.
Application Submission Instructions: The following must be submitted:• Resume• Three References• Copy of a license, ordination certificate, degrees, and other certificates.• (Optional) - CD/DVD/Link of recent sermons and Bible teaching show to Submit the Application: via email to northridgebcfriedens**at**gmail**dot**com
Please include your phone number only if you want to receive calls.

North Ridge Baptist Church
651 Blackburn Rd
Friedens, PA 15541
(814) 443-1417

North Ridge Baptist Church on YouTube