First Baptist Church, Hallstead Pennsylvania

Need: Full-Time Assistant Pastor (To transition to Pastor)

Article created: 2023/05/11

E-mail: hallsteadbaptist**at**gmail**dot**com
Hallstead is a borough in northeastern Pennsylvania with a population of 1,100 souls. Located on the border with New York State, 40 miles north of Scranton Pennsylvania.
FBC is seeking a full-time assistant pastor to quickly transition into the role of senior pastor. The current pastor is willing to work with and train the incoming man for up to a year. The church is an independent, fundamental Baptist church that only uses the KJV and traditional music. The church has grown tremendously over the last several years and averages around 95 in attendance. This position will include preaching and several other aspects of ministry (youth group, visitation, van routes, VBS, children’s ministry, music, website/Facebook management, and assisting the pastor with various projects and jobs around the church). Interested candidates should e-mail a resume (including a statement of faith and references).

First Baptist Church
96 Pine St
Hallstead, PA 18822
(570) 879-4676

First Baptist Church on Facebook
