Marsh Road Baptist Church, Woodbridge Virginia

Need: Full-Time Pastor

Article created: 2023/05/11

Contacts: or Billy Petry, (703) 772-7630, brpetry**at**aol**dot**com
Robert LeCompte (703) 930-0913, RSLEcompte**at****dot**comcast**dot**net
We are a well-established church affiliated with the American Baptist Association of churches. Our current Pastor, Billy Shepard, is retired at the end of 2022 after 55 years as Pastor. This full-time position is to pastor a church filled with willing workers and a debt-free building. Community of 44,600 souls, 20 miles south of Washington DC.

Marsh Road Baptist Church
1514 Old Marsh Rd
Woodbridge, VA 22191
(703) 491-2980
