Msg #2317 To Every Creature

What The Bible Says Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Article created: 2023/04/25

Msg #2317 To Every Creature

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Dear resident, Yesterday I stood on the Welcome mat of your door, and left an informative card from our church that recommended As I was leaving, you came to the door and ask what I wanted. I said I was a Baptist preacher of the Gospel and I left some information about our church.

In harsh tones, and no uncertain terms, you told me to get off your property and never come back there again. And then you asked, “What gives you people the right to come around here and preach your religion anyway?”

I am writing to briefly answer your question, with the expectation that it might have been sincere. In short, the right answer is given in the First Amendment of our Constitution, and for me, the responsibility comes from the commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ, who said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature“ (The Holy Bible, Gospel of Mark 16:15).

I did not come to your doorstep to “preach religion”, indeed, I did not preach at all. I only came to give you and your household an opportunity to hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I will honor your request to not come to your door, ever again (unless I get an invitation, which I would welcome). As a Veteran I have spent 23 years of my life defending rights and freedoms, as a born-again preacher of the gospel of my Lord Jesus Christ, I have spent 43 years going door to door with his gospel message. I know where you live. You impacted my day. I would gladly come and share with you the life-changing Gospel of Christ, but now I will need an invitation. You can contact me with the information I left on your door, or on the “God's Simple Plan of Salvation” Gospel Tract enclosed.

Pastor Ed Rice

An Essay for week #17 - Apr 23, 2023

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A weekly 300 word essay- The Penny Pulpit
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