Larned Independent Baptist Church

Larned, Kansas

Article created: 2023/01/25

Larned Independent Baptist Church in Larned, Kansas is seeking a bi-vocational pastor. The church is strong on the KJV, uses only traditional music, and averages 20 in attendance on Sunday morning. This missions-minded church was planted 10 years ago by Brother Plato Shepherd, is debt-free, and the only IFB church in Larned. Current Pastor, Randy Kuhn, will be retiring due to health reasons, but is assisting the church through the transition. Larned (population 3,600) is located in central Kansas along US-56 and the Arkansas River. Contact Pastor Randy Kuhn, [email protected], for more information or to submit your resume for consideration.

Larned Independent Baptist Church
124 E 14th St
Larned, KS 67550
(785) 826-6397

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