Msg #2238 Think On These Things

What The Bible Says Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Article created: 2022/09/21

Msg #2238 Think On These Things

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

When a Baptist preacher says, “Finally, brethren … ” it does not necessarily mean one should close his Bible and look at his watch. Paul demonstrates an aptitude to say more when he writes his second one to the Philippians. The “Finally, brethren …” of Phil.4:8 opens a dense pack of things that should occupy a Christian's mind. Whatsoever things are TRUE: Pilot asked, “What is truth?” The true Christian needs no godless internet fact-checker, Jesus is truth, and he prayed to the Father, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth” (Jn.17:17, cf 14:6,18:38). The truth indwells a believer, and sits in our laps as an Authorized KJV, … think on these things. Whatsoever things are HONEST: upright, just and fair, free from trickishness and fraud, always acting with correct moral principle, think on these things. Whatsoever things are JUST: orderly, due and suitable, exactly proportioned and proper, in the moral sense upright, honest and righteous, conformed to rules of justice and influenced by the laws of God; think on these things. Whatsoever things are PURE: free from moral defilement, without spot, not sullied, tarnished or corrupted, genuine, real, true; think on these things. Whatsoever things are LOVELY: amiable things that elicit, produce, and excite true love, rather than division, distrust, and hate; think on these things. These things are of GOOD REPORT. If there be any VIRTUE: strength and moral excellence; think on these things. IF there be any PRAISE: glory and exaltation brought to God; think on these things.
   When one maintains such exemplary thinking, they, as Paul, could say, “These things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do” (Phil.4:9). Jesus said, “If ye know these things, happy are he if ye do them” (Jn.13:17). May your thinking be exemplary this week.

An Essay for week #38 - Sep 18, 2022

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A weekly 300 word essay- The Penny Pulpit
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