Article created: 2020/10/03

Sharing with you a quote today from one of the great preachers of past days. Wish I could have heard him preach in person. I do have several of his books. Vance Havner had a unique way of saying things. Here is the quote to start your weekend:

“We are not just looking for something to happen; we are looking for Someone to come. And when these things begin to come to pass, we are not to drop our heads in discouragement or shake our heads in despair, but rather lift our heads in delight. “

SOMEONE IS COMING & I believe He is coming soon! Our redemption is drawing near. Jesus promised He would come again & receive us unto Himself. Mark it down: Jesus keeps His promises. Remember what Vance Havner said, “ We are not just looking for something to happen; we are looking for Someone to come!