Article created: 2020/09/19

A spiritual lesson that I wish I had learned earlier in my life has to do with PRAISING GOD! God loves to hear His people praising Him. In fact, the scriptures say that He inhabits where His people praise Him ( Ps. 22:3 ). 
This morning I finished reading through the book of Psalms again. The whole book of Psalms has many references to this matter of PRAISING GOD. However, the last 6 Psalms have a great emphasis on this subject. Ps. 145:2 “..I will praise thy name forever & ever. v. 3 Great is the Lord, & greatly to be praised Ps. 146:2 While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. Ps. 147:1 Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God;  for it is pleasant & praise is comely. The last verse of each Psalm 146–150 ends with “ Praise ye the Lord. “ 
Every morning we should start the day by giving thanks & praising the Lord. Whether the days are sunny or stormy, whether we are in a deep valley or on a mountain top, we can always offer praise to our great God. No matter what the circumstances or the difficulties, we can always praise His wonderful Name. 
Wish I had learned this & practiced this when I was younger. Please try PRAISING GOD & see what it will do for your soul!