Article created: 2020/08/27

We all have them. I don’t care who you are we all have at least one irregular, difficult person in our lives. That one individual that we seem to clash with & we have a hard time dealing with them. Sometimes, there is more than one.

The Lord Jesus is our example in dealing with difficult people. Read this quote: “ The Romans wanted to silence Him, Herod wanted to kill Him, Pilate washed his hands of Him, the religious leaders envied Him, His family thought He’d lost His mind, His townspeople wanted to stone Him, Thomas doubted Him, Peter denied Him, Judas betrayed Him, the soldiers beat Him, the crowds shouted for His crucifixion, & His closest followers ran out on Him. Yet Jesus never prayed for the Father to remove difficult people from His life. If He had, there would have been nobody left. “.

Jesus taught us to love our enemies, to forgive those who wrong us, to turn the other cheek, to return good for evil, & to overcome evil with good. How can we do this? Only by asking the Lord to give us His grace & wisdom can we deal with those people who get on our nerves. God has a purpose for placing an irregular person in our life. Maybe it’s to get them saved; maybe it’s to teach US something; maybe there is a rough edge in our life & that person will be used of God to correct us.

Yes! We all have irregular people in our lives. May we all better follow our Lord’s example in dealing with them.