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Msg #1827 Plenary Inspiration

Msg #1827 Plenary Inspiration

What The Bible Says Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Msg #1827 Plenary Inspiration

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


After the Apostle Peter called our Holy Bible a more sure word of prophecy, more sure than his eyewitness accounting, he give a tremendous insight as to how that happens. In my GARBC upbringing I was always taught that 2Peter 1:20 warns against using Scripture for our private interpretations, but it does not. Second Peter 1:20 is not about the reader of Scripture, it is about the writer of Scripture. The next verse clarifies that the holy men of God were not self-willed in providing the words of God, they were, instead, “moved by the Holy Ghost”. Understanding how inspiration works is like understanding how Jesus fed 5,000 with five loaves and two fish. Many have tried natural explanations for these Supernatural events. “Faith” is the noun, “believe” is it's verb; by faith (noun) we believe (same word in verb form) that every word in the Holy Bible came directly from God. That's called “plenary verbal inspiration”. The Bible says this is so (2Tim3:16-17, 2Peter1:15-21, Psalm12:6, Gen15:1 et.al.). Further, His words are preserved to all generations (Psalm 33:11, 119:89, et.al.). The modernist lie is still the “not” in the Devils tale as they preach to the wide-gate and broad-way that only the original autographs are inspired, and make wholesale copyright changes to God's words. Paul did not say “all autographs are inspired,” all Timothy had were copies of copies of copies! Don't be taken in, hold your Holy Bible close, every word is from God, not man. And “me” think one can learn the nominative and accusative cases of words; it was pretty easy for “I”, and can be for thee (second person, singular, accusative). If you-all can learn where to use “I” vs. “me” at age five, thou mayest learn to properly parse all of God's pronouns.


An Essay for week #27 Jul 8, 2018

Msg in audio at www.GSBaptistChurch.com/audio

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A weekly 300 word essay- The Penny Pulpit

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